Tom Roberts Chairman: (O) • To coordinate and act as figurehead for the society at regular meetings (currently held at Bredhurst Village Hall, with assistance from the rest of the committee) • To organise and chair monthly committee meetings • To encourage and guide committee members in fulfilling their duties in the best interests of the society • To be the figurehead for and represent the needs and views of the society to the public Instruments & Observatory Coordinator: • To maintain an inventory of MKAS astronomical instruments, and Jim Irwin Observatory (JIO) furniture • To manage the loan of MKAS telescopes and telescope accessories • To manage availability of, and access to, the JIO • To organise observing events at the JIO | |
Mike Phillips Vice Chairman: (O) • To guide and support the chairman and committee in their duties, as appropriate • To step-up to support the chairman with coordinating the society committee and fulfil the chairman's duties in his/her absence Archivist: • To document and preserve information relating to the historical activities of the society • To report to the committee any new archiving developments and seek permission to dispose of unwanted/obsolete materials • To collate, digitise, populate and organise a digital archive of MKAS historical records | |
Dave Merrall Secretary: (O) • To manage and report to the committee any correspondence received or sent by the society • To provide a report on all correspondence at committee meetings • To produce, manage and keep a folder of society documents and correspondence Press Secretary: • To coordinate the publication of society events using relevant forms of media (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Newspapers, Online ads) • To help coordinate responses to any press enquires, in liaison with the rest of the committee • To use relevant forms of media to help improve society membership | |
Ron Straughan Treasurer: (O) • To provide a monthly report to the committee on the Society's finances • To manage and monitor monies received by the society and any payments from the society • To deal with all matters financial, including collection of membership fees, payment of any approved expenses, banking of monies, and liaison with the Auditor and any Inspectors • To arrange the auditing of accounts and report these to the membership at the AGM | |
Prof David Rees Programme Secretary: (O) • To contact and liaise with potential speakers and visitors to the society, mainly relating to regular meetings (currently held at Bredhurst Village Hall) • To book-in speakers into free slots on the society calendar • To liaise with the Events and Observing Coordinator in planning meetings and society events Special Projects:GP20 Relocation Project Manager: • To manage the relocation of the society's GP20 Telescope. • To update the committee on the GP20 Telescope Relocation • To monitor and report on all costs associated with relocating the GP20 Telescope | |
Wendy Rees Membership Secretary: • To assist potential members with completing membership forms and notify committee of new membership requests • To monitor the payment of membership fees, in liaison with the Treasurer | |
Arthur Fentaman Events & Observing Coordinator: • To coordinate and arrange society events and observing activities • To liaise with external organisations regarding any planned events • To liaise with the Press Secretary and report to the committee on upcoming society activities | |
Naz Rajan Webmaster: • To act as the chief administrator for the MKAS website • To moderate content on the website and deal with any online security issues • To make or oversee code updates to the website to allow for updated or new functionality • To manage domains and hosting for the society websites and email systems | |
Ian Hargraves Special Projects:GP20 Observatory Project Manager: • To manage the society's Observatory project, to house the GP20 Telescope. • To update the committee on progress towards the objectives of this project • To monitor and report on all costs associated with this project | |
Linda Russell Assistant to Events & Observing Coordinator: • To coordinate and arrange society events and observing activities • To liaise with external organisations regarding any planned events • To liaise with the Press Secretary and report to the committee on upcoming society activities | |
Gary Foord Without Portfolio: • Assisting the Committee in all aspects of its work | |
Martin Messer Without Portfolio: • Assisting the Committee in all aspects of its work | |
Vacant Junior Astronomers' Representative: • To act as a liaison for all members of the society under the age of 18 so that they have a voice at committee meetings • To help the society appeal to younger members and to ensure that meetings are made as interesting and fun as possible for younger people Fundraising Coordinator: • To disseminate information on funding opportunities to the committee • To coordinate the process of applying for grants and drive Society fundraising activities • To monitor progress towards fundraising targets and provide updates to the Society Minutes Secretary: • To take minutes at committee meetings and the AGM. A laptop can be provided for this role if necessary • To send minutes in advance of committee meetings to the secretary for distribution to the committee |