MKAS get a lot of requests to support various groups to give talks, put on shows, or teach some basic Astronomy and bring telescopes.
As our members volunteer to organise and attend these events, we unfortunately cannot support all events that we get asked to do. However, as we need to raise funds for our GP20 Telescope project, we ask those requesting our support to make a donation to the society to support this project.
It takes a lot of time, planning, personnel and expensive equipment to run an event for your group, so please donate with this in consideration.
As we get asked how much of a donation would be suitable, we have listed here what you may consider donating.
• Cubs, Scouts & other voluntary groups: Any amount of donation your funds allow, but ideally £50
• Not-for-profit organisations and schools: £50 - £100 plus petrol expenses
• Semi-professional organisations & companies: £150 or higher plus all expenses