NEXT EVENT: 11th October 2024 - Will Joyce - The Origin of the Moon ... DETAILS
The sky as seen from the latitude of London (51.5 degrees) in the middle of Oct 2024, at 22h UT (GMT). The sky appears the same at the start of the month at 23h UT and at the end of the month at 21h UT.
The map is interactive so you can input your own location, date and time to check how the sky looks under different circumstances. (To do this, click on either the date or location to the top left of the map and then enter your own details in the window that appears. Press Enter and close the dialog box).
Note: You can choose to view the sky from anywhere in the world, but it only displays for the time selected for your computer's current location. e.g. If you choose New York at 10pm but are in London, then the sky will be that for New York when it is 10pm in London. If you choose New York at 10pm and are in New York, then it will be for 10pm local time.